State Office Reporting System

Tool Help

Report Formats

All SORS reports can be run in HTML format, and displayed directly in the web browser. All reports can also be exported to other formats:

For long reports, CSV is the fastest-loading format.


Note! FSA staff should not download tools to an FSA computer. Use the software provided on your computer.


PDF is a good choice for printing reports. SORS reports in PDF format can be viewed and printed with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

About PDF


CSV is a good choice for data analysis. CSV files can be opened in most any spreadsheet program, including OpenOffice Calc, Google Sheets, and Microsoft Excel. CSV files can also be opened in any text editor, such as Notepad or WordPad.

CSV files are plain and simple text files without graphical formatting. This makes them portable - usable on virtually any personal computer. It also makes them faster-loading, and especially useful for data-crunching.

About CSV

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